Promotion and Development

Program Coordinators: Lisa Schneebauer and Eva Maria Strasser


  • Resource Guide for Establishing an Orthoptic Association
  • Social Media Reporters



Priorities and Directions 

  • Provide a range of promotional materials and strategies (including World Orthoptic Day and use of social media) that will assist orthoptic member associations in increasing the awareness of the profession.
  • Encourage the engagement of orthoptists, orthoptic students and others with the IOA by increasing awareness and understanding of the Association.
  • Continue to develop members’ interest in the profession and reinforce the importance of being members of a global profession.
  • Produce biannual statistical information of relevant information about orthoptists and their practice (employment requirements, definitions of scope of practice, CME/CPD requirements, and educational programs of member countries).
  • Support new member organizations by promoting the individuals and their work.
  • Develop criteria for IOA non-research related awards/recognition.
  • Facilitate capacity development (leadership and personal) by creation of an orthoptic leadership program.