Upcoming International Events
Netherlands: 11th Global Ophthalmology Meeting
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
USA: American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting (AAO 2025)
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Greece: ESCRS Winter Meeting 2025
Location: Athens, Greece

Italy: International Ophthalmology Conference (IOC 2025)
Location: Rome, Italy

Member Associations from all arround the world. You’ll find the international contacts: here

ASIA-PACIFIC - Asia Pacific Orthoptic Association
President's Name: Kailin Karen Zhang
President's Email Address: karen.zhang.k.l@snec.com.sg
IOA Representative: Clara Wongso
Representative's Email: asiapacific@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated

Australia - Orthoptics Australia
President's Name: Amanda French
President's Email Address: president@orthoptics.org.au
IOA Representative: Sue Silveira
Representative's Email: australia@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptics.org.au

Austria - Orthoptik Austria
President's Name: Mag.a Romana Weidinger
President's Email Address: praesidentin@orthoptik.at
IOA Representative: Anna-Maria Windhofer
Representative's Email: austria@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptik.at

Belgium - Belgische Orthoptische Vereniging v.z.w. Association Belge d´Orthoptie a.s.b.l.
President's Name: Manon Maassen
President's Email Address: manonmwmaassen@hotmail.com
IOA Representative: Daisy Godts
Representative's Email: belgium@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptie.be

President's Name: Claudineia Miranda Dutra
President's Email Address: presidencia.cbort@gmail.com
IOA Representative: Márcia Melo de Oliveira Rassi
Representative's Email: brazil@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated
Homepage: https://www.cbort.com.br

Canada - The Canadian Orthoptic Society / La Société Canadienne d'Orthoptique
President's Name: Sonia Manuchian and Shannon Steeves
President's Email Address: tcospresidentcanada@gmail.com
IOA Representative: Linda Colpa
Representative's Email: canada@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthopticscanada.org

Czech Republic - Česká Společnost Ortoptistek (CSO)
President's Name: Gabriela Misikova
President's Email Address: ortoptikacso@gmail.com
IOA Representative: Elena Schmidtová
Representative's Email: czechrepublic@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.ortoptika.cz

France - Association Francaise d´Orthoptique
President's Name: Francoise Dorey
President's Email Address: formations@afo-orthoptique.fr
IOA Representative: Michéle Marsot
Representative's Email: france@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.afo-orthoptique.fr

Germany - Berufsverband Orthoptik Deutschland e.V.
President's Name: Melanie van Waveren
President's Email Address: vorsitzende@orthoptik.de
IOA Representative: Birgit Wahl
Representative's Email: germany@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptik.de

Hong Kong - Hong Kong Orthoptists Association
President's Name: Bonny Lo
President's Email Address: bonny.lo@orthoptics.org.hk
IOA Representative: Bonny Lo
Representative's Email: hongkong@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated
Homepage: https://www.orthoptics.org.hk

Israel - Israel Orthoptic Society
President's Name: Guy Barnett Itzhaki
President's Email Address: orthopticsil@gmail.com
IOA Representative: Guy Barnett Itzhaki
Representative's Email: israel@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full

Italy - Associazione Italiana Ortottisti Assistenti in Oftalmologia (AIOrAO)
President's Name: Carla Blengio
President's Email Address: presidenza@aiorao.it
IOA Representative: Erica Scarica
Representative's Email: italy@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.aiorao.it

Japan - Japanese Association of Certified Orthoptists (JACO)
President's Name: Miki Nagumo
President's Email Address: info@jaco.or.jp
IOA Representative: Hiroko Seto
Representative's Email: japan@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.jaco.or.jp

Luxembourg - Association Luxembourgeoise des Orthoptistes Diplômés (ALOD)
President's Name: Cyrielle Thill
President's Email Address: cyrielle.thill@ms.etat.lu
IOA Representative: Cyrielle Thill
Representative's Email: cyrielle.thill@ms.etat.lu
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated
Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/contact.alod/?locale=fr_FR

Netherlands - Nederlandse Vereniging van Orthoptisten (NVvO)
President's Name: Mieke van Genesen
President's Email Address: voorzitter@orthoptie.nl
IOA Representative: Sonja Vrugt
Representative's Email: netherlands@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptie.nl

New Zealand -
President's Name: Nia Stonex
President's Email Address: nstonex@adhb.govt.nz
IOA Representative: Deepi Dhanoa-Hayre
Representative's Email: newzealand@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated
Homepage: https://www.nzosi.com

Pakistan - Society of Optometrists, Orthoptist & Ophthalmic Technologist Pakistan (SOOOP)
President's Name: Ayesha Saleem
President's Email Address: info@sooopvision.org
IOA Representative: Ayesha Sarfraz
Representative's Email: pakistan@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated
Homepage: https://www.sooopvision.org

Portugal - Associação Portuguesa de Ortoptistas
President's Name: Diogo Marques
President's Email Address: presidente@apor-ortoptistas.com.pt
IOA Representative: Diogo Marques
Representative's Email: portugal@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.apor.com.pt

Scandinavia - Scandinavian Orthoptic Association
President's Name: Jesper Nordström
President's Email Address: jesper.n@hotmail.se
IOA Representative: Eva Maria Strasser
Representative's Email: scandinavia@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.scandinavianorthoptist.org
SouthAfrica - South African Orthoptic Society
President's Name: Moira Pewsey-Purdon
President's Email Address: Orthoptist.pewsey@gmail.com
IOA Representative: Moira Pewsey-Purdon
Representative's Email: south.africa@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Associated

Switzerland - Swiss Orthoptics
President's Name: Ilona Fischer
President's Email Address: ilona.fischer@orthoptics.ch
IOA Representative: Nicole Hoeckele
Representative's Email: switzerland@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptics.ch

Tunisia - Association Tunisienne d'Orthoptie
President's Name: Ons Lahouimel
President's Email Address: lahouimel.ons@hotmail.fr
IOA Representative: Ons Lahouimel
Representative's Email: tunisia@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptie-tunisie.com

UK - British & Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS)
President's Name: Craig Murray
President's Email Address: chair@orthoptics.org.uk
IOA Representative: Jignasa Mehta
Representative's Email: united.kingdom@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptics.org.uk

USA - American Association of Certified Orthoptists (AACO)
President's Name: Rachael Jenkins
President's Email Address: AACOpresident@orthoptics.org
IOA Representative: Sheila Chamberlin
Representative's Email: usa@internationalorthoptics.org
Number of Individual Members:
Member Type: Full
Homepage: https://www.orthoptics.org