Invitation to the 49th Annual General Meeting

Dear Members of the International Orthoptic Association,

You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming 49th Annual General Meeting of the IOA.

Date: Saturday, 27 January 2024

Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Central European Standard Time (GMT+1)

Location: ZOOM 

Format: Webinar

Kindly register in advance for the AGM on ZOOM. Upon registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you, containing information on how to join the virtual meeting.

AGM Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Welcome, Announcements, and Introductions

3. Approval of the 2024 AGM Agenda

4. Review & Approval of the 2023 Minutes of the IOA AGM

5. Report from the President of the Association

6. Report from Karen McMain, Director of the Volunteer Program

7. Financial Report from the Treasurer of the Association

8. Approval of the Financial Statement for the year 2022-2023

9. Authorization to determine the remuneration of IOA auditors

10. Confirmation of Office Holders for the period 2023-2024

11. Next IOA Congress

12. Date of the next IOA AGM

13. IOA Symposium: Getting started in research; a clinician’s perspective – Professor Anna Horwood

14. Adjournment

AGM Attendance

This meeting is open to all orthoptists who are members of associations holding IOA membership status, or individual orthoptists who are IOA members. Members who have fully paid their dues as of the AGM date are eligible to vote. A comprehensive list of full and associate member countries can be accessed here. Please pre-register for the AGM via this link.

We look forward to your active participation in shaping the future of orthoptics at the 49th AGM.

Best Regards,

Jan Roelof (JR) Polling, PhD

President of the International Orthoptic Association (IOA)


Celebrate WORLD ORTHOPTIC DAY June 3, 2024