Teaching mission Nigeria

Port Harcourt University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, October 6 –13, 2018 

Last year during the WSPOS congress in Hyderabad, I met dr Adedayo Adio a Nigerian pediatric ophthalmologist from Port Harcourt and council member of the WSPOS. She told me that she wanted to start a 6 months orthoptic training course for optometrists in Nigeria and asked me to come for practical and theoretical teaching.

2 years ago the IOA together with Trusetal Verbandstoffwerk GmbH supported the training of a Nigerian optometrist in Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India. Helen Jumbo, a young woman with 3 children, went for 6 months to Madurai and became the first Nigerian Orthoptists. She works with dr Adio at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital with 9 ophthalmologists, 39 residents, 5 optometrists and 25 nurses.
Isabel Reich d’Almeida, senior orthoptist and teacher in Lisbon and I went one week to teach the 3 orthoptic students, we gave theoretical and practical lessons during 5 full days. We lectured one morning the residents and another morning the optometrists. After the morning lectures, we examined the strabismic patient together with the students, in this way we were able to evaluate their practical skills and could correct them when necessary. Trusetal Verbandstoffwerk offered all the orthoptic material they used. This teaching mission was a great experience for us. They learned from us and we could examine interesting patients with them.

Thanks to Mr Hartmut Otto – Trusetal Verbandstoffwerk GmbH for the continuous support.

Daisy Godts, Principal Orthoptist

Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Belgium

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