XIIIth International Orthoptic Congress 2016 – 2

XIIIth Congress of the International Orthoptic Association, "Bridging Worlds", in collaboration with the Dutch Society of Orthoptics, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 27-30 2016 at the De Doelen Concert Hall and Congress Centre. Read more.....

It is timet o start planning for 2016! The IOA invites all orthoptic colleagues to attend the XIIIth Congress of the International Orthoptic Association, in collaboration with the Dutch Society of Orthoptics, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 27-30 2016 at the De Doelen Concert Hall and Congress Centre.
The theme of the Congress ‘Bridging Worlds‘ is intended to inspire thoughtful stimulating discussion, to share global perspectives and to debate the exciting future prospects of our profession. The universe of orthoptics has common scopes of practice  that may enacted through many approaches, which reinforce the richness of the profession‘s diversity. The 2016 Congress builds on the successful tradition of previous IOA Congresses and on the IOA’s commitment to professional knowledge transfer through International congresses. This is another unique opportunity for members of the profession. Delegates will interact in forums designed to facilitate exchange and expand their respective knowledge of the other‘s orthoptic developments in education, clinical practice and research. The influences of different perspectives and culture are never more powerful than in the lived experience of an IOA Congress. Gaining access to world professional advancements through presentations, posters and discussion forums opens up an exciting body of knowledge frequently locked away in publications. I encourage all of you to plan your participation in another stimulating IOA Congress; this time in collaboration with our host Dutch colleagues.
The Congress is a highlight of IOA activities every four years. Watch the Rotterdam, IOA Congress website at www.ioacongress2016.org for progress reports on the Congress. The IOA looks forward to meeting you in The Netherlands.

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