IOA Teaching Volunteer 2015 Aravind Eye Hospital Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

My IOA volunteer teaching mission to India in November 2013 was an unforgettable and satisfying experience for me. So I immediately agreed when dr Shashikant Shetty, professor of the Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Department of Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology in Madurai (, asked me to volunteer again.

Also Dr P.Vijayalakshmi, chief of the Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Department and one of India’s pioneer paediatric ophthalmologists, was happy to host me again. She is the founder and sole of the orthoptic training course in Aravind. Every 6 months 2 orthoptic trainees start the orthoptic course in Aravind Madurai for a duration of 6 months. They mostly have already a diploma in optometry. This time also trainees from the other Aravind Hospitals followed my classes.

During my stay I was teaching the residents, the fellows and the orthoptic students. I lectured every morning and evening before and after seeing the hundreds of patients.

In addition to the theoretical lessons, this teaching mission included a lot of practical teaching. During the day, I examined patients with them and demonstrate valuable orthoptic examination techniques. I also explained them the value of the synoptophore and instructed them how to use it.

During the weekend the team of the Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Department organised a Symposium “Orthoptics d.e.c.o.d.e.d” for local ophthalmologists, orthoptists and optometrists. The symposium was a great succes with 250 attendees.

Beside my participation with 10 presentations, the faculty consisted of Zoran Pejic, IOA orthoptist of Singapore, Matt Dunn, Phd optometrist from Wales, dr Shashikant Shetty and 3 Indian optometristorthoptists from North India.

My IOA volunteer teaching mission to India was again a great experience for me. They learned from me and I learned from them.

Thanks to Mr Hartmut Otto – Trusetal Verbandstoffwerk GmbH who sponsored this trip for me (

Daisy Godts
Principal Orthoptist
Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Belgium

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